Thursday, January 22, 2015

Make a Vision Board

When you see images of what you want to have and experience, your brain responds in an effort to find those things for you.

First take time to truly identify what it is you want to achieve and how you will feel when you have done so.  What new things would you like?  What types of relationships?  Career changes? Home and lifestyle?
Take time this weekend to cut out from catalogs or browse the web and identify and gather images of people, places and things.
Put these together on a foam board.  Add inspiring words if you like.  You have got your Vision Board.  Keep it Simple.   Just Do It.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

See it, Feel it, Be it

When you can see yourself having what you want, and feel the feelings of having "it,"you are on your way to BEING it!
See it.
Feel it.
Couple these with action.

Be it.
Find out  more in my new book, Keyed In. Also available on Amazon.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Get Keyed In

How do you feel now?  How much better can you feel?
Follow my keys to personal transformation.
Please visit my book website at where you can purchase your own copy of this actionable and portable book that supports your personal transformation.
Also available at Amazon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Step Forward

Take baby steps toward your desired outcome.  Step forward into your life.  Allow yourself to shine!  The world needs your light.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Raise your energy to Joy

The official "season of joy" has come to a close.  But there is still time for daily snippets of joy in your life.  Depending upon how nature appears to you, examine a sparkling snowflake, or inhale the fragrance of a flower.  Gaze at your child, hug your pet. There are endless opportunities to notice joy in your day, as long as you take the action step to have the experience.  Find joy with baby-steps.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goals Vs. Intentions

Goals are good for some people.  

For others they feel like a trap and a constant reminder that they are failing.  

An intention is powered by choice and lacks the "should" component of a goal.

What to you intend to achieve this year?  How will you feel when you have achieved it?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wishing You a Serene 2015!

According to Merriam Webster, serene is defined as:
a :  clear and free of storms or unpleasant change <serene skies>
b :  shining bright and steady <the moon, serene in glory — Alexander Pope>

How does this definition resonate with you?
 Being Shiny and Bright is who I want to be!