Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It Is Eleven Eleven

Today's date is both a reminder to be grateful to the men and women who have served our nation and protected us, and that we are all one. 

Whenever I see the time, 11:11, I feel as if fairy dust has been sprinkled over me.  

For all the separation I may be experiencing from what I think I can and should do, from those around me, from my higher self - I am then reminded of this endless connection to oneness.  Including oneness with all aspects of myself.

I hope today you too will feel a sprinkling of fairy dust and feel both ever-thankful to others and connected to all.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Living Food

How much  living food do you put into your body each day?  My son argues with me that once the plant is cut from its source, it is no longer living.  But you get the idea. 

Raw plant food has active enzymes and a vibrancy to it that is alive!

When you eat live food, you will feel alive.  Try eating raw, living food without accompanying it with cooked foods, or on an empty stomach.  You will feel your body become electrified!  Try a smoothie of greens, berries, and seeds, or a huge salad.  Bite into a crisp fall apple.  Add living food to your life today!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Inspires You?

How do you move from inaction to action?  What is your source of inspiration?  Do you find clarity by being out in nature?  Do you have friends that move you and are models for your desires?
I invite you to key-in and open your mind's eye and ears to what uniquely inspires you.
Then, take action.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Let It Go

I have always thought some of the most powerful words are, "Just Do It" as coined by Nike.  When you "just do it", you release fear and worry and step into your life's purpose.  Three more words, made famous by the song from the Disney movie Frozen, are "Let It Go!"
Watch the Video 
When you "let it go" you cut the tethers that bind you to repeating old patterns and free yourself to experience the new and good awaiting you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Single Task for Superior Results

It is simple, but not easy, to single-task.  Read more about the "hows and whys" behind single-tasking in my new book, Keyed In:  7 Keys To Transform Your Life

For today, choose one task and engage all of your senses.  Ground yourself in the moment by removing your shoes and feeling you feet pressed into the Earth.  Step into action and continually release your thoughts that distract you.

You will feel refreshed and accomplished!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

One Body

In my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I learned about Integrative Medicine.  

Integrate - or view as one - Your Body.
When you feel aches and pains or sense your eyesight diminishing, zoom out with your mind's eye and observe your whole body.  Refrain from focusing upon your parts.

How does the part that aches integrate with the whole?
What message does the pain or discomfort have for you?
How is your energy body involved?
What stuck negative emotions are you holding onto that may be contributing to your condition?

Love Your One Body