Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Just Get it Done

You know the Nike slogan...I wish I could take credit for it!  What is on your mind today, that was also there yesterday?  
What do you wish you did?  
Who do you wish you were?

I invite you to step into action. Build momentum.  And Just...Get It Done!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Go With the Flow

How do you expect your day to unfold?  What is on your agenda?  When something comes up that is unexpected, how do you respond?  Odds are, you have an emotional reaction.
What would it be like for you to be in the moment, and go with the flow?  

Rather than resist change, step into it.  When you move forward without a negative emotional wall, you open yourself up to endless positive possibilities.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Do You Have an Evening Routine?

Most of us have a morning ritual.  On a daily basis, we incorporate the same habits as we start each day.  My hope is that your morning routine includes a moment of gratitude upon awakening, and a few more moments of visualizing just how you would like to feel as your day unfolds.
But do you have an evening ritual?  It is very common to be connected to your cellular device, the internet, or TV news before retiring for the evening.  Are you open to unplugging?  Can you create an evening routine of putting electronics aside, clearing your mind with some journaling, doing some gentle movement to release tension from your body, and then retire to the comfort of your bed?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Are You In Alignment With Your Vision?

Do you know what you want to achieve?  How do you define success? What comes to mind when you think of  that big stretch to reach for what you truly want?
Open your mind and explore what you want in your relationships, career, home-life, education, financial success, and spiritual growth.

Are you living in alignment with that goal?  

Do your thoughts, feelings, and actions support the success you desire?  Check your alignment and make adjustments.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day and You

As you take a moment to express gratitude for Mother Earth and to treat her with some TLC today, remember to do the same for you.  


You are so special and Earth appreciates You!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Visualize It Unfolding

Give yourself moment either in the morning or before you fall asleep. 

Use your mind's eye and imagine your day unfolding just as you would like it to.  See yourself getting ready for your day and fueling your body so that it feels best for you.  

Imagine yourself engaging with family, friends and co-workers in a manner that brings you happiness and success.  Visualize yourself enjoying a fun and relaxing evening, keeping your self-care at the top of your list.  
See yourself in the picture of a perfect day unfolding.  When  you take 3 minutes to do this, you will experience timeless and priceless benefits in your day.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tell the Story of What you Want

This week a similar story from a variety of coaching sessions has bubbled up.  I admit, I find that since "like attracts like" there is often a theme in my work, so this is not all that unusual.

So, the story is...

My clients have been describing vividly detailed scenarios for me of precisely what they do not want to happen.  Their words are do descriptive that I can see them in my minds eye, unfolding like a movie starring Meryl Streep and Vince Vaughn (odd combination!)

What I ask of them is to write a new script.  What do you want to unfold in  your life? How can you describe that to me with as much passion and detail?  Knowing that what you think about, you bring about, making this shift will result in powerful, positive change.

Paint a new picture: